The Kyle Pease Foundation

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Ready, Set, Go as KPF Begins the 2017 Racing Season

There is nothing better to heal the soul after a disappointing Super Bowl outcome than to kick off the 2017 Kyle Pease Foundation racing season. 

Despite the fact that the calendar still reads winter, Brent and I laced them up along with three other KPF athletes at the 2017 Hearts and Soles 5K in Decatur, GA on the Saturday before Valentine's Day. 

 Curtis Ward, Naomi Hicks and Aidan Jackson represented KPF along with Brent and me. We had a great time with full hearts and smiles from ear to ear. It was great to be out there as I love the first race of every race season. Despite the fact that it should be old hat by now, I still find myself with nerves and goosebumps prior to the start of the first race. 

And not that it is always about finishing times and PR's but Brent and I achieved our personal record for a 5K breaking 20 minutes for the first ever. Better with age? Perhaps. 

Now we turn our attention to Publix where the Kyle Pease Foundation has a record number 40 athletes toeing the line for the GA Publix Half Marathon. Over three dozen KPF athletes and nearly 200 volunteers will make this a virtual KPF party through the streets of downtown Atlanta. A regular sea of blue leading out the marathoners at 6:50 AM.  What makes this race so exciting for me is the fact that it is in our backyard and we get a tour of our beautiful city. It gives me a new round of goose bumps to see how far we have come since the launch of the the Kyle Pease Foundation.  It's not too late to sign up to join the Atlanta Track Club and all our friends if you want to try and catch us...

If you can't join us as an athlete or a volunteer for this great race, you can still participate by going on FaceBook and liking us or by making a donation to the foundation or to any of the athletes who reach out to you asking for your support.  

Stay tuned for news  and for info on the race, as well as, other exciting news in the on deck circle.  As always, Together We Wheel! Kyle