The Kyle Pease Foundation

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Open a door for Kyle, and it has a tremendously positive impact on his day. Without people opening doors for Kyle, for us, we'd still be sitting outside with our metaphorical nose "pressed against the window" hoping to be invited inside.

Yesterday, names were drawn for entry into the Ironman World Championships and our name was excluded. That door has not yet been opened. We both badly want to race Kona. It's been a personal goal of ours since our first triathlon together, but there is an added goal of helping to open more doors for the athletes we serve.

They say when one door closes another opens, so we are now searching for another opportunity for a door to swing ajar.

Racing brings us great joy, a thrill of competition we both yearn for and we hope that many doors remain open for that.

To those that have opened doors for us, we thank you. For those that remain closed, we simply ask that you hold one open and help us roll through. For as Kyle says, "where there's a wheel, there's a way".

Together we wheel

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